Q:  Do you know how to draw?

A:  No.

Q:  Then why do this?

A:  It’s a way to honor my friend who passed away from cancer in August.  He said I should do something with the shark cards I had been making for him, so I am continuing to make cards and hoping people will like them.

Q:  What is the shark’s name?

A:  Richard the Shark, after my friend.

Q:  Why sharks?

A:  Sharks had been a running joke with Rich during the summer.  When he went into the hospital, I didn’t have a card, so I decided to make one with a shark on it.  It turned out to be a cheerful but very poorly drawn shark.

Q:  Did you know there’s a website called “poorlydrawnsharks”?

A:  Yes, a thirteen-year-old boy took one look at my drawings and immediately asked if I was familiar with (and possibly president of) the “poorlydrawnsharks” site.   Sheesh.

Q:  Why don’t they wear clothes?

A:  It’s important to me that anyone be able to look at a card or drawing and not feel excluded by skin tone, gender or orientation.

Q:  Are your sharks dangerous to humans?

A.  Nope.  They are very nice sharks who are pretty much vegetarians, with a lot of cookies on the side.  I haven’t worked out the bacon issue yet.  I mean – after all, it is BACON.

Q:  Do your sharks ride bikes?

A:   Of course – this fish needs a bicycle.  (Sharks are cartilage fish, not mammals.)